Monday, May 5, 2008

Food For Thought...

How Much Is Enough of a Good Thing?
  • Just the other day, I was reading the label on a loaf of bread I bought and noticed it was fortified with omega-3 fatty acids, a type of polyunsaturated fat. You can now find eggs, cereal, waffles, milk, margarine spreads, and even orange juice fortified with omega-3s. But do you know what these fatty acids can do for you and how much you are supposed to consume?
  • Researchers have identified a number of benefits from consuming omega-3 fatty acids:
  • 1) Improving inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, and asthma
  • 2) Lowering blood pressure and triglycerides
  • 3) Increasing HDL (good) cholesterol
  • 4) Reducing depression, as well as the symptoms of bipolar disorder and Alzheimer's disease
  • The American Heart Association recommends we consume the following amounts of omega-3s:
  • For people without heart disease: At least two servings each week of a fatty fish such as salmon
  • For people with heart disease: 1 gram each of DHA and EPA (types of omega-3s) daily
  • For people with elevated triglycerides: 2 to 4 grams each of DHA and EPA daily, in capsule form
  • This supplementation should be done under your doctor's supervision.
  • Foods that naturally contain omega-3s include fish (salmon, tuna, white fish), flaxseed, walnuts, pinto beans, and broccoli, as well as canola, soybean, and flaxseed oils. To find out how much omega-3s are in some of the foods you eat, look up particular foods in:
  • Enjoy some of the really good fats — think about your intake of omega-3 fatty acids.
  • From:

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